Monday, February 14, 2011

Roadside Rest

Last week we covered the opening of the 23rd Psalm. "The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want," I love this because I proclaim that I am one of God's sheep. He watches over me and supplies all my needs.

Now the next line is one that brings me such peace and contentment. "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures." Green pastures only exist where there is the right amount of sunlight and just the right amount of moisture. Never is the green pasture over-grazed or unsafe. God encourages me to trust in that He knows where these pastures exist and that He leads me toward them in my life. However, I must first acknowledge that I need a shepherd to find these soul renewing pastures. Then I must trust His ability to keep me safe as I rest under His watchful eye.

When the dry times come in our travels we must hold to the promise that our
shepherd loves us and pushes us for our own good. We have rested so that we will have the strength to follow the shepherd through the dry parched path we often experience. When I read this line, I visualize a young lamb, raising his head above the bright green spring grass and peeking toward the shepherd one final time before lying down with a full stomach and a weary mind. Sensing the lamb's anxiety, the shepherd moves quietly across the field. Closer He comes and slips one hand under the weary lamb holding it close to His chest.

Rest is not something that is easily found in today's society. That is unless you're in a green pasture with the Good Shepherd watching over us.

Remember to always ride the narrow road and stop in and see us again.

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