Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Peace in the Storm


We climbed into the boat and each one of us found a seat for our trip across the lake. Jesus had sent us on ahead telling us that he would catch up to us on the other side. This confused some of us because we only had the one boat. I mean, how was he going to catch up with us?

We pushed off of the shore and noticed a slight breeze in our faces as we took turns rowing into the fading light. After an hour or so the wind was blowing hard and the waves were splashing over the bow of our boat. Matthew and Simon began to pray as we all feared for our lives. Peter became our guide as everyone took turns rowing into the wind only to be held in place by our unseen foe.
Fear began to bury its talons deep into our hearts and I found myself questioning why Jesus would send us out here only to die in the dark stormy sea.
Just as death seemed inevitable we noticed a ghostlike figure walking across the water. Over the roaring wind and tormenting waves a voice called to us, “don’t be afraid.”
When we were in our darkest time Jesus told us to “Cheer-up because He was with us.”
Peter wondered if it was Jesus in the dark walking on the water so he called out “If it is you Lord, call me out on the water with you. “
“Come. “ Jesus said.
Without a second thought Peter climbed over the side of the boat and stepped onto the water. We watched as Peter made his way walking toward Jesus. His clothes slapped his body as the wind seemed to blow even harder. The storm seemed to grow angry as he drew closer to the Lord. We witnessed Peter walking on the water, overcoming the laws of this world. The storm became so violent that it caused him to take his eyes off of Jesus and look at his surroundings. At that instant Peter began to slowly sink into the unstable water.
“Help me Lord”. he cried out.
Jesus moved to Peter and extended his hand to help Peter out of the waves before he was swallowed up.
Together the two water-walkers made their way to the boat and climbed in.
Peter was shaken but comforted knowing Jesus was with him. The storm calmed as both men were settled in the boat and we made our way to the other shore tired yet victorious.

I wonder, could I have done what Peter did? The boat appeared to be the safe place and the smart place to be. But it was actually controlled by the storm. Once Peter got out of the boat the miracle happened.

Because of Peters actions I have learned that no matter how rough the surroundings, God is in the middle of them with me.
God may even call me into what appears to be the eye of the storm. However, I am never alone.
Never allow the circumstances of life to eclipse my view of the savior. If I keep my eyes on him, He will keep His eyes on me.
When I stumble and I do stumble, He will offer his hand to help me if I will but call out to him.

Remember to always ride the narrow road and stop in and see us again.
Your riding companion, Larry (Skeeter)

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