A few years back I was walking through the woods and came upon the most interesting site. In the pathway ahead of me I saw a snake that was holding a frog by the toe of one of his webbed feet. Now this was a relatively small snake and a fairly large frog. The frog didn’t seem to mind the snake biting its toe and I saw no way the snake could harm the frog by chewing on its toe. However, as I watched, the frog allowed the snake to gradually get the majority of the frogs leg in its mouth. I was stunned at the nonchalant attitude of the frog so I attempted to free the frog from the jaws of the serpent. The snake recognizing danger released the frog and slithered into the grass next to the path.
I then turned my attention to the frog in an attempt to prompt the frog to move along. But try as I might the frog refused to leave the path. I stepped back and witnessed the return of the snake and the demise of the frog. Nothing appeared to be wrong with the frog that would keep it from hopping away, yet it sat still as the snake had it for dinner.
I went on my way that day unable to shake what I had witnessed.
I was angry at that frog because I had set it free, yet it chose to sit still and allow the snake to return.
What I have since discovered about that snake is that snakes have a toxin in their saliva that slowly renders their prey paralyzed. In this case with the frog, it was impossible for that frog to escape. Even though the little snake only had the toe of that larger frog.
As I ponder all of this, I come to one definite conclusion.
It is paralyzing and all consuming. It may only have you by the toe right now. It may even seem entertaining and fun. However in the end its intension is to kill and destroy.
So, I need to ask God for help and protection from the evil one. I pray that you too will ask God for help to stay away from sin.
Now, I am fairly confident that I will not live a perfectly sinless life from this point on. However, that is where my heart truly is and with His help I can shake the snakes from my toes and recognize them before they get too close.
I guess a good start would be to spend more time reading the Bible and talking to God so I will recognize His voice when He yells, "SNAKE."
Remember to always ride the narrow road and stop in and see us again.
Your riding companion, Larry (Skeeter)
Good stuff Skeeter. Really Good. Thanks for sharing bro.