Sunday, May 16, 2010

Entertain Angels Unaware

We had been walking for quite some time. Disappointment and despair had gripped us. I recall the conversation growing more and more grim. Cleopas and I were still reeling from the happenings of the last couple of days. All of Jerusalem was a buzz with the death and disappearance of the body of Jesus. We had tried several times to turn the conversation to a more positive note but found it impossible to raise our spirits.

At some point in our journey to Emmaus a fellow traveler joined us and questioned us about our conversation.
Is it possible that this guy didn’t know what had happened in the last few days? I thought to myself. We stopped walking and turned to the guy.

“You’re not from this area are you?” asked Cleopas looking at the stranger.
“What are you talking about?” he asked.

We took turns for the next couple of miles telling him of the miracles we had witnessed and the wonderful things this Jesus had promised those who followed Him. We told the stranger about how our Chief Priests had turned Jesus over to be sentenced to death by nailing Him to a cross. We shared how we had believed and hoped He was the one to redeem Israel. Now this is the third day since all of this happened and some of our women told us they had visited the tomb this morning and found it empty. They said an angel told them He was not here amoung the dead, but alive.
When the women returned and told us, a couple of the guys ran to the tomb to check it out for themselves. They found the grave exactly as the women had described it. But no body or angels.

You guys are pretty slow with faith aren’t you? The stranger asked.
What did you say? I answered.
Well, didn’t Jesus have to suffer these things and then enter His glory? All through the text the profits foretold this very thing. Didn’t Jesus himself say this would happen and that He would raise to life on the third day, and you yourselves told me this is the third day. Why would you be surprised?
Somehow this stranger's words burned in my heart like fire.
As we neared our destination, Cleopas and I entered the city but the stranger was going to continue on his way.
Why don’t you stay with us tonight? It’s about to get dark and traveling at night can be so dangerous.

Come on with us. I said, you can continue early in the morning.

The three of us bought some dinner and sat to talk some more about the last few days. Just before I had taken a bite the stranger stood to His feet and prayed a blessing over the food. His prayer pierced my heart and excitement surged through my body. After his prayer I opened my eyes to find Cleopas and me sitting alone. The stranger was not in the room. We looked around the room to see where he had gone. I looked at Cleopas and both of us knew who this stranger was. This unassuming traveler was Jesus himself.

“Didn’t his thoughts on the crucifixion grip you and give you some peace?” I asked as I gathered my clothes and stuffed them back into the pack.
“What are you doing?” Cleopas asked.
“We need to get back to the people in Jerusalem and share with them what has happened.”
Immediately we left and traveled through the night. We found the 11 apostles and the people still gathered together.
“It is true, He is alive and we have talked with Him. We recognized Him as He prayed over the food we were about to eat.“ we told them.

As we were still talking about it, Jesus himself appeared in the group.
“Peace be with you” he said.
He allowed us to touch Him and see his wounds. He looked at me and smiled to show me He had enjoyed the time He spent with Cleopas and me.
He explained to us how scripture had to be fulfilled. He revealed to us how prophecy was fulfilled by His being crucified and sin no longer had a grip on all of mankind.

Many things were shared with us in that room that night.
Before Jesus left us He promised us that a comforter was on his way and that we were to wait here until He arrived.
Questions swirled through my mind and excitement returned that had been stolen from me days before.

“What will this comforter look like?”
“Will I recognize Him or will I be taken by surprise again?”

I know these things are difficult to believe for those that did not witness them.
But I assure you they are true. Because I witnessed them with my own eyes and heard His voice with my own ears.
These hands touched His hands.
These arms held the body that was broken to free all of mankind from the grip of sin.

Will you recognize Jesus when He comes to you?
Next time a voice within you says to smile at a stranger or do something for a stranger, Will you be able to act out Jesus to them? We will never make a mistake by being kind.
Hebrews 13:1-2 covers this nicely. Take the time to read it, then act it out.
A link to these passages is in the left sidebar.

Remember to always take the narrow road and stop in and see us again.

Larry (Skeeter)
Your Traveling Companion


  1. Great stuff brother, how real Jesus is yo!!


  2. You are correct! Larry wrote this piece. Nice job Larry. See you for Dirty Jobs Brothers!
