Saturday, April 24, 2010

Who are you?

Who are you? I mean, who are you really? I often asked myself these questions on almost on a daily basis. I bet everybody in your life has an opinion of who you ought to be and they are even very blunt and eager to tell you their opinions. The hard part is when it is close friends, co-workers or even a spouse. If you are the typical man (me included), you have probably spent most of your life trying to be the person you think you are supposed to be just so you can please those around you and to compete in this world. The tough part that burns inside of you is that you silently resent having to do so. Me, I wear my thoughts on my sleeve and I let people know exactly how I feel. I have lost many friends and people close to me that way. I miss out on being what God made me to be that way.

In Acts 13:36 it says: “After David had served his generation according to the will of God, he died and was buried, and his body decayed”. This sounds like a pretty morbid verse, but I do have a point. Have you ever just stopped yourself and ask, “Who has God made me to be?” It’s hard for me to grasp at times that God knew exactly what he was doing when he made me and you and gave us the desires that are in our hearts. But if you are like me and many other men, you fumble around with the expectations that others have placed on you rather than going against the grain and being bold by figuring out who God has made you to be.

God has made us all in different ways. Moses was a very impatient, soft-spoken man of very cool miracles. David was an athletic dude who could write amazing songs after winning huge war battles. Jonathan was a loyal friend who was willing to give up his own success for God’s bigger plan. John the Baptist was like the guy in “Man vs. Wild”, very unconventional, but he was a great preacher. The Apostle Paul was an over achiever, while his sidekick and personal friend Barnabas, was a great encourager to other men.

A lot of God’s men in the Bible look very successful; some seem very silent and quiet, while other men in the Bible seemed to have failed in what they where trying to do. But what they all have in common is that they actively pursued what God put on their hearts to do with their lives. My challenge to you is to find out what God wants you to be doing with your life and your time, even if it’s not the popular thing to do. Please read if you have time Acts 13: 26-37.

In Closing, ask yourself again, who do you think God has made you to be? Does that match the expectations of others? If not, whose expectations will you choose?

Ride hard my friends, but pray harder!!!

-Will aka: Scootman

1 comment:

  1. Good message Will. Keep those writings coming! Thanks for your work on this.
