Sunday, February 28, 2010


Many years ago I noticed something different about myself. When my friends purchased a car or a
Motorcycle, they seemed to be content with it. I on the other hand was never content with anything I
purchased. For some reason I am still never satisfied with anything that I own. I work
hard to purchase a particular item and the desire to own that item gives me the energy to strive to attain it.
However not long after acquiring it, I become bored with it and begin a new quest for the next shiny
bobble. I thought that there must be something wrong with me. Many of my friends notice this about me and
often ask me "how long I’m going to ride the bike I now ride?"
I become so frustrated with myself that I often question my sanity. I feel as though I have a flaw in my DNA.

But, as I sat in silence the other day I realized that this unquenchable desire was given to me by God.
This desire or thirst is a thread that runs through my body, soul and spirit. God had knitted
this into the fabric of who I am. This unquenchable torment is precisely what drove David to seek after the heart of God and drove Peter to chose a raging sea over a dry boat.
It’s the voice of our fabric aching to draw closer to its creator. It is God calling His created to search for him.
I think that is why we eat even though we are not hungry. There is a void in us and we believe
it is our bodies craving physical nourishment, but it is our very souls crying out to be fed by our creator.
Could this explain why this ravenous sense of need is never fully quenched.

I believe God desires to be with us and aches to hear from us. He calls to us and searches for us just as He
searched for Adam after his fall into sin and disobedience. A way has been made to get back to Him. It’s the
same way David and Peter returned to Him. Repentance. The simple act of admitting our mistake and
turning from it and toward God.
It is a beautiful thing to think that the very God who spoke the solar system into existence
and molded man with His hands wants to spend time with me.
I ask you now, Are you walking toward Him? Are you hungry for Him?
Or are you like I have been. Willing to settle for the hollow nourishment of fast food or the temporary pleasure of a shiny bobble.

Create in me a clean heart O God. And renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from your presence.
Take not thy Holy Spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of my salvation and renew a right Spirit within me.

Remember to always ride the narrow road and stop in and see us again.


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