Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cleaning up

I spent hours tonight struggling with the question “what must I do to be saved.” This question has been asked by many. As a matter of fact I found many times in the New Testament when this question is asked it is answered in a variety of ways.
To one who inquires the answer is “You must be born again.” To another, “You must sell all you have and give the money to the poor.” And yet in another instance Paul tells the jailer “You must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.”

These are just a few of hundreds of examples. Why is this so confusing? Why can’t there simply be a formula that is clearly spelled out in scripture? I mean, doesn’t this make sense to you? If you want to arrive somewhere you simply follow the directions to get there.

However, I think we must keep in mind that man has found himself owing a debt that he is unable to pay.

You see, the Bible tells us that “….the wages of sin is death.” So, the sin that I find myself living in can only bring death. In other words, if I plant beans I cannot reap corn. If I sow sin I reap death. This is the law of this life. So how do I get around this law of sin and death? The truth is I can’t. This is where Jesus comes in. He lived a sinless life and died for my sins. He literally paid the debt that I owed.

So, this puts us back to the beginning. What must I do to be saved? Well in the book of Luke that I spoke of earlier, it was a rich young ruler that Jesus told “you must sell all you have and give the money to the poor.” Jesus said this to him because He knew the young man trusted in his wealth and felt he needed nothing else. I think when we come to the end of our rope and turn to Him, He will speak very clearly to us. He is a personal savior. He knows where we place our values. He will expose our true self. He will allow us to see ourselves for who we really are. Then, He accepts us while we are dirty, lost and broken. We don’t need to clean up and then come to Him because we cannot clean ourselves up without Him. He will softly whisper to you. “Come to me and I will give you rest.” More beautiful words have never been spoken.

So, take the time now to ask Him to reveal to you what you need to clean up. He waits to join us in the task. He is the best Daddy we will ever know.

Remember to always ride the narrow road and stop in and see us again.

Your traveling companion, Larry

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