Wednesday, August 11, 2010

More of Him

This last week my wife and I have been blessed to have two of our Grandchildren from Kansas stay with us. After a few days they had become bored with entertaining themselves so grandma put a movie in for them to watch. I sat for a few minutes with them and watched as Tim Allen found himself in the middle of a transformation from common working man to Santa Claus. We watched as Tim developed a large belly overnight and grew a beard in a matter of minutes.

While spending time with his son in the park, Tim notices a little girl watching him. This seems to make Tim nervous so he sits on a park bench and turns away from her stare. At this, the little girl walks over and begins to tell Tim what she would like for Christmas. In no time at all, a line has formed and the children are rattling off their wish lists to this obvious Santa.

All of this got me to thinking, can I say that the Jesus on the inside of me shows on the outside. Does Jesus, show through to the people around me? You see, in this Hollywood movie, The spirit of Santa Claus slowly consumes the life of a common working man (Tim Allen) and his desires become that of Santa’s desires.

Isn’t this exactly what God wants of us? I must strive to allow Christ to shine through and be totally consumed with love for the people around me. I must work to make my desires the same as His desires. I would love it if someone saw Christ in me to the extent that they began to spontaneously share their trials and pains. I wonder what it would be like if we sought out God with all we had and then allowed him access to use us as He saw fit.

I have lately hungered for a closer walk with Him. To listen a little closer to the voice that asks for my obedience. I want to spend more quality time seeking His desires and not just consumed by my own selfish plans.

I try to visualize the people of Jesus time, standing in large numbers waiting for Jesus to pass by, because they heard he was on his way to their city. They would wait for days hoping he might stop and heal them or answer their cry.

What must we do to draw closer to him? He no longer walks the earth, so He will never pass by my home? How did the Old Testament heroes grow in their faith?

I have recently heard a call to do something that is exciting and yet requires more faith than I am accustomed to. I wish I could say that everything has been considered and I know everything that is going to happen. But that is just not so.
I have asked God to use me anyway He sees fit, and now that He is beginning to do this I must be prepared to step out by faith and be obedient. I struggle each day to lay down my desires and try to allow Him to shine through, but the truth is I often fail. Still He teaches me through the failures and stands me back up.
I don’t always allow Jesus to shine through, but the Father knows my heart and recognizes Jesus in me.

So, until my work is done here I will continue to pray:
“ Less of me and more of Him”. Let this be your prayer also.

Remember to always ride the narrow road and stop in and see us again.
Your riding companion, Larry (Skeeter)

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